A Life Giving Photographer
By Gabriela Alban Hidalgo / 20.02.2020

As we are approaching women’s day we are delighted to launch our #ShotsInspiration Series. because we want to use our platform and help others to rediscover the beauty of life.
At Capuli we believe that a sense of awe for the little things has been lost in our culture. With our offerings, we want to help people rediscover the beauty of food and deeply appreciate the world from which it comes from.
With our “Shots of Inspiration,” we hope to reawaken a sense of wonder for our world by building and sharing a tapestry of anecdotes from people who choose to live life differently. We are choosing to use our platform to feature people who have chosen to see the world with a sense of wonder for its beauty.
They are all made with love and we hope that you love them! :)
For our first feature, we are delighted to share with you about Jennifer Loomis and her work. When I first met Jennifer I was intrigued by her warmth and a deep sense of empathy. When I found out about her work her unique perspective began to make sense.
Jennifer's subject of inspiration is the beauty of the pregnant woman. Many times I feel that our world forgets the amazing power and gift that a woman has to participate in the creation of a whole new, unique and wonderfully made human life. Her work is absolutely gorgeous and in this series, she shares one of her secrets. Jennifer shares that to showcase this beauty through her photography she first chooses to “love” the person before her. It is in attempting to see the fullness of the person before her that she can translate and enlivened beauty through her images.
Jennifer is not only talented and inspiring but she also chooses to use her skill for good. With her skill set and perspective, she helps other people to see hard to adopt children in the foster care system with dignity and fullness of beauty. If you are looking for a great non-profit to support this month, please donate to this one.
Adopt - A - Child Photography
Enjoy the content and contact me with any thoughts or comments below! :)

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