Taking a Moment to find Meaning
By Gabriela Alban Hidalgo / 27.07.2019

Whether you stumbled upon this post in the loop of half-hearted phone swiping, or simply love Capuli and follow our story, I am grateful that you are here.
I am starting this blog because I want to tell more people about what we do and more importantly why we do it. It is not enough for me, and for Capuli to share a product (our Sips & Treats) we love and believe in but, as creative people that we are, we believe in creating functional solutions with meaning.
Above all else, we want to share, inspire and connect. In a way, this post seems long overdue given that we started telling people about Capuli in 2017. However, I feel like this blog could not have started sooner. These past few years, I have embarked on a whirlwind journey of personal growth and change. When I started Capuli, I was an idealist who had not yet faced the friction of attempting to bring an idea to life. I had a clear reason as to I was starting this but I did not yet have the strength, self-knowledge or focus to stay the course when faced with opportunities, opinions and options. Many times I gave into distractions and attempted to grow as someone other than my true-self. Of course, this did not only cause heartache and anxiety but also stagnant confusion.
Today, for reasons I will share at some point later on, I find the freedom and strength to move onwards with what authentically motivates my heart, connecting and making many people happy with beautiful and good products and ideas.
I envision this blog platform to be populated with stories, how-to’s and inspiration. When I write, I will look to write with authenticity. While at times the content may emanate from a sense of activism disguised in self-help I want to connect with what matters to me and invite others to do the same. Capuli is much more than just a transactional food business; I seek to grow it into a brand with an authentic reason for being. With our Sips & Treats, we want people to bring beauty into their everyday routines and help them recognize the beauty and fragility of our earth. My hope is that in experiencing sublimity in the ordinary, you might not only become inspired to protect and preserve our planet, but also that it inspires love for each other and our shared home.
I believe that in this fast-paced social media age of instant gratification and mindless swiping/working our world finds itself in desperate need to rediscover a sense of love and purpose. Many of us, including myself, are caught up in expectations and anxiety for the future and don’t really know how to reflect, think deeply and enjoy leisure. In my opinion, one of the hardest things in our day and age is for us to understand that we are human beings and not human doings. I believe that learning to shift between being mode and doing mode within the day to day, will not only lead to more happy people, but it will lead to more caring communities and societies. With Capuli, I hope to inspire people to learn to enjoy the being-mode not only in those longed for vacations in idealized yoga retreats in Thailand but most importantly amidst the simplicity of everyday and the people around us.
With this blog I pledge to you to work hard to share content that inspires peace and is not caught on in instagram-perfect expectations or to-do list that might cause anxiety.
So, I invite you to stay connected and embark on a wellness journey with me and those who contribute to our movement!
Since I believe that there is power in sharing with authenticity, I want to end this post by sharing some of the things that matter and help me along my personal journey towards a more mindful, present and hopeful life. Of course, these are all way better when I accompany them with our Capuli fruit drinks. :)
- Praying. Yes, I realize that this might be a taboo topic given that people rarely talk about their belief systems in public. However, we all have a perspective of the world and to be honest I do not feel that I can engage authentically without acknowledging this part of my life. However, when I write about my faith I will do so only from the best place I know, my own experience. I want to make sure that in sharing about myself, I am not excluding any faith, sexual orientation, race or belief system, I am simply opening up and sharing about me. For me prayer is a deeply personal experience, usually in nature and in silence. It can range from one word to one phrase, to a rant of confused complaints, all directed to a friend who deeply loves me. For me, making time for prayer means making time to understand more deeply who I am. It helps me stay hopeful. :)
- Community. Having people who I can be vulnerable with makes me feel seen. It helps me discover my place in the world. When I allow people to peek through my weaknesses and they open theirs to me I become more and more fascinated by our humanity. I find that when I open up with curiosity for the person before me, I live more intensely and am more able to remain focused on what is going on around me. However, I always need to remind myself that community takes time, it also takes surrendering the belief that everything needs to be useful. It is sometimes a challenge for me to remember that moments are precious just because they just ARE. Sitting around the beauty of our Capuli Treats reminds me to just be and enjoy the present.
- Laughter. I do not know if its the cloudiness of Seattle skyline or what I think people expect of me but a couple of months ago I noticed that I was starting to take myself too seriously. Of course, I do not want to appear like an overly gitty child because I am in my late twenties and am confident that what I believe in is important, but I realize that not laughing makes me boring. So, now I actively look for more space to do so, I look to play, to dance, to enjoy movement. This helps me relax and remind myself that the beauty of this world was meant to be enjoyed.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. If you have any comments, ideas for collaborations, or would like to contribute to our blog please e-mail below.
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